Creating NPCs

Creating NPCs is an extension of creating Basic Items. Getting started we’ll want to create a .ce file in mods/core/npc/. NPCs have their own content template to simplify the creation.

The NPC template is fairly simple with only a few parameters.

Npc(name, markerIcon='', gestureSound='', gestureSoundDelay=0, **kwargs)

Sets up the content entity data of an NPC.

  • name (str) – The name of the NPC. This should be the key used for localizations.
  • markerIcon (str) – The path of the marker icon to use on maps to represent this NPC.
  • gestureSound (str) – The path of the sound effect to use when this NPC gestures. Leave empty if no sound should be played.
  • gestureSoundDelay (int) – The amount of time (ms) to delay playing the gesture sound after starting the gesture animation.
  • kwargs – Keyword argument list that will be passed to the main template class.

NPCs typically should be interactable so it is important to provide a custom interact() function. Below is a full example of an NPC content file.

from core.template.animation import Frame, Frames
from core.template.npc import Npc

from siege import game
from import DataStream
from import Message
from siege.util import PixelVector

merchant = Npc(
    name = "Merchant",
    markerIcon = 'mods/core/item/outfit/merchant_outfit.png',
    gestureSound = "mods/core/audio/sfx/npc/merchant_gesture.ogg",
    gestureSoundDelay = 100

def interact(player, entity, position):
    packet = DataStream(Message.SHOW_UI)
    packet.writeString("merchant"), packet)

idle = merchant.getSpriteFrames(
    frames = [
        Frame(2, 2),
        Frame(33, 2),
        Frame(64, 2),
        Frame(95, 2),
        Frame(126, 2),
        Frame(2, 55),
        Frame(33, 55)
    size = PixelVector(31, 53),
    origin = PixelVector(14, 29)

animate = merchant.getSpriteFrames(
    frames = [
        Frame(64, 55),
        Frame(93, 55),
        Frame(122, 55),
        Frame(2, 117),
        Frame(31, 117),
        Frame(60, 117),
        Frame(89, 117)
    size = PixelVector(29, 62),
    origin = PixelVector(15, 38)

    start = 'idle',
    idle = Frames(idle(1)),
    gesture = (
        Frames(idle(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4), time=100),
        Frames(idle(3), time=500),
        Frames(idle(4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4), time=100),
        Frames(idle(3), time=500),
        Frames(idle(4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2), time=100)
    animate = Frames(animate(), time=100),
    disableLooping = ['animate', 'gesture']